Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Are u suffering from depression?
At least 5 of the following if u are,

-> Depressed mood most of the day, nearly everyday
Not really.
-> markedly diminished interest or pleasure in most actitivities
-> significant weight loss or gain
yes. weight gain! not THAT significant yet though
-> insomnia or hypersomnia (one who slp a lot)
yes. i'm hypersomnia
-> fatigue or loss of energy nearly every day
-> worthlessness or excessive guilt (daily)
hmm nope? guilt for not doing my work not counted right?
-> decreased concentration or indecisiveness
-> recurrent thoughts of death or suicide
not yet...

SHIT. i'm suffering from depression.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

omg~ this boy is super duper CUTE~
no matter watch how many times also not sian lor!

i'm so happy after watching! haha~

Wednesday, October 17, 2007
i failed my psychology mid term.
like that how to major in psychology?!

history mid term test result!
got it back last wk.
although result wasnt very good
but was quite surprising~
cos i expected a fail.

history essay back too!
was graded a C+
to someone who have not written any essay in 3yrs
and rushed out the research + essay in one day
this is considered a very good grade already.

somemore he said he marked strictly
meaning if he marked less strictly i can get a B?
LOL~ *day dreaming*

but what made me happy was his comments!
he said i studied well and my points are well organized
of cos there are negative comments as well.
but i'm only putting my positive comments here

something learned in my psychology...
"emotions depends on how u evaluate the event"
this is so true. haha