Sunday, December 30, 2007
last day of 2007
time really flies.
another year passed.
another year older!

saw this sentence on a mag.
"resolutions abound every New Year but they remain resolutions when there is no action"
i can feel the arrow shooting at me.
cos i cant even rmb my 2007 resolutions.
hahaha! 失败!
i shall think of new resolutions and ACTIONS for 2008!!

even my mama also going for countdown!!
how can i rot at home?!

i want to change a new hairstyle!
rebond? (NOT AGAIN?!)
what colour to dye?

bob seems to be very "in" for taiwanese singers
first hebe
then jolin
follow by cyndi wang
now angela zhang also!
some other non singer female artistes also cut that style

sick of my current hairstyle.
any recommendations?

Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Are You an Optimist or a Pessimist?
result from tickle test.

Well, everything's not quite roses and teddy bears for you, but you do tend to look on the bright side of life (we can hear those Monty Python boys whistling right now...). Sure, you sometimes bitch and moan about your problems (who doesn't?), but deep down you're pretty sure that everything will eventually turn out fine. When the weather man says it's going to be sunny, you leave your umbrella at home. In general, you like to be around people, and you try to make new friends when you can. You do your best to take things at face value, rather than making mountains out of molehills. Basically, the world is sort of like a big coconut to you: tough and hairy on the outside, but, when you get down into it, there's good stuff inside.

Monday, December 24, 2007
psychologist used this to read ppl's mind.
Tickle's Original Inkblot Test
My Result: Kindness

Take this test!

You have a deep desire to be kind and fair to others. You are preoccupied with finding kindness in the world around you, far more than you may realize on a conscious level. This makes you unusually empathetic and very sensitive to other people's feelings.

Your kind nature makes you an optimist at heart and allows you to see the best in the people around you. Because you're not judgmental, others seek you out when they need a friend.

Your psyche is very rich; the more you learn about it, the more you will understand who you really are.

haha i'm KIND!

Friday, December 21, 2007
lonely holidays
felt so lonely this holiday.
i shld have gone to work!
at least there's things to do and extra $$$!!
moreover, with $$$ i can make myself happier!
anybody want to buy iTouch for my xmas present?

havent been driving for like half a yr.
sometimes i wonder why i get the license
when i cant even drive the car myself!
used to be so confident driving on the road.
but due to some sarcastic remarks i've lost all my confidence.
i'm so easily affected by remarks.
argh. hate myself!

reflecting on the 20yrs of my life...
i've yet to acheive anything!
felt like i'm wasting the earth's resource
wish i can start my life all over again.

hate myself and my life.

Monday, December 17, 2007
i miss my black ipod nano.

Sunday, December 16, 2007
new songs!
sick of my old playlist!
a change in my playlist!

s.h.e's new songs for 斗牛,要不要
NICE! very nice!!!
uploading few more nice songs
but another time....

i wanted to post alot of photos!
photos ever since my taiwan trip!
too many until i dont feel like posting already.
haha. 懒就是懒
leopard nv change its spot.

been rotting my holidays away.
i think it's a waste of my youth. haha
i want and need a change in my life.
i wanna go out! anyone?!

p.s: but i love rotting at home too. ha
p.p.s: happy bdae ah ma!ha